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Altar Flower Orders 


Church purchase may be made by contacting Karen Fazio 

 or complete the sign up sheet in the narthex.


(1) Single Vase $25.00  (2) End arrangements $40.00.  Arrangements include your choice of colors.  Flowers include:  daisies, carnations, mums, and greens.


Member Purchase can also be made by calling directly to Bailies Flower Shoppe (Kathy)  724-224-9557 to order any type of arrangements.  For member credit submit paid invoice with name.


Payments must be made by Sunday of display.

Checks or cash to:  TUMC Flower Fund



Trinity United Methodist Church

847 Tenth Avenue

Brackenridge, PA 15014


(724) 224-7300


©2020 by Trinity United Methodist Church

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