Two florists offer special pricing for TUMC altar flowers. Lehman Flower Shop. The price for a single vase is $25.00. The price for two end vases is $50.00. Flowers include mini and large carnations and daisies in your choice of colors along with baby’s breath and greens. Bailies Flower Shop price for a single vase is $35 and $60 for two end vases. Flowers include carnations, daisies, and mums in your choice of colors along with greens. Karen Fazio is available to help with any questions. Sign up for flowers on the chart in the Narthex or call Karen. When signing up, please include the florist, name, phone number, name of person you are honoring or remembering, whether you want a single center or two end arrangements and choice of flower colors. Payment must be made by the Sunday of display. Checks made to TUMC can be placed in the offering plate with your name, date of display and Flower Fund on the envelope. You may also purchase flowers directly by calling Kathy Bailie 724-224-9557 or Joyce Lehman 724-224-3770 to order any other type of arrangement. For donation credit please submit a copy of the paid invoice.